
Showing posts from August, 2022

How Can We Buy Dogecoin (DOGE) in 2022?

  How Can We Buy Dogecoin (DOGE) in 2022? It seems like Dogecoin cryptocurrency is all the rage these days, as many new investors scramble to purchase DOGE. It started as a joke on December 6 by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. In addition, Dogecoin has become one of the biggest and most popular cryptocurrency memes online and was jokingly endorsed by various members, such as Tesla's Elon Musk, who became CEO of Dogecoins for a day and tweeted a meme on the dogecoin standard. So if you want to become a part of a global internet joke, then Dogecoin is the right place. In this whole guide, we will explain to you where and how you can buy Dogecoin and sell your first DOGE. The List of Best Exchanges Platform With The DOGE Market   Like all cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin is also traded on various crypto exchanges. As such, you will need to create and verify your account on most platforms to start trading DOGE. Typically, the process of registration takes a few minutes, while account verifi

Top 7 NFT Scams We Should Avoid!

  Top 7 NFT Scams We Should Avoid! Nowadays, NFTs are all the rage because they offer a way for content creators to sell their NFT collection for thousands, if not millions of dollars. As the NFT market becomes popular, fraudsters are researching innovative methods to separate NFT creators from their digital assets. These scams can make users lose their NFTs or make them insignificant in one fell swoop. Most of the fraudsters want to get access to your NFT account by using phishing cons to get access to your private key wallet. Once the scammers gain access to your account, they will quickly drain it before you get wind of the scam. Here is a List of Common NFT Scams Let’s take a look at NFT scams that have managed to trick collectors out of millions of dollars since the development of the NFT market. In the list below, you will see a list of some common NFT scams and how you can avoid them. Phishing Scams To purchase an Ethereum-based NFT, you will need a crypto wallet such as Metamas

Coinbase Vs. Coinbase Pro: Which Is Best For Trading

  Coinbase Vs. Coinbase Pro: Which Is Best For Trading? Coinbase and Coinbase pro is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that is owned by Coinbase global inc. With these, both platform users can easily buy various types of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH), etc. and it also supports fiat currencies like USD, GBP, and EUR. Both platforms provide excellent security features that protect users’ accounts from hackers. Many users of Coinbase switched themselves to Coinbase pro because Coinbase has higher fees as compared to  Coinbase Pro  and Coinbase pro offers advanced features and more transaction types.  Coinbase VS. Coinbase Pro: Features Coinbase provides features for beginner investors and the Coinbase pro is a professional-level trading platform, which is only designed for active or busy traders. With these platforms you will get the following features: Mobile Apps:  Both platforms have a mobile application, you can easily download the app

How to Send And Receive NFTs On MetaMask?

  How to Send And Receive NFTs On MetaMask? MetaMask is a web browser extension and a crypto wallet that help you to manage your NFTs. you can easily send and receive NFT on MetaMask by following a few steps. But before staging the process you should know about the whole introduction of NFT and  MetaMask . The given section helps you to give proper information about NFT and MetaMask. What Is MetaMask? MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet that helps you to store different Ethereum-based assets. You can easily store ether and ERC-20 tokens in the wallet. The Installation process of MetaMask is very easy. You can quickly install the MetaMask web browser extension and mobile application on your smartphone. After the installation process, you will need to create your account to start the transferring process of crypto. What Are NFTs? NFTs are a collection of transactions stored in an appropriated computer network. The NFTs are also known as non-fungible tokens and it is available as a depict